Thursday, September 02, 2004
On this day:

2 September 2004


SuperSpa   67°
pH - 7.2 a tad weak
buff - 120 a tad weak
nI - 0+
nA - 10
salt - .28
NH3 - 1+ / 2 total

Spa   67°
pH - >7.2
buff - 120+
nI - 0+ maybe a titch
nA - 10+
salt - .32
NH3 - <1 / 2- total

After H2O change, before Pond Prime and BIU:

pH - 7.8 weak
buff - >120 weak
nI - 0+
nA - 10
salt - .34
NH3 - <1 / 1.5 total

pH - 7.2 a titch weak
buff - 120+
nI - 0
nA - 10+
salt - .33
NH3 - <1 / <1 total

Bronze - Belly ulcer looks a little scarry, but healed over. Injection site has a little scarring, but continuing to heal. Pics of gills look good. {NEED TO POST PICTURES...}

Harpo - L paw still has a titch of infection - PP (2nd time); UPS brown just at red spot. {NEED TO POST PICTURES of gills...}

Spats - w/o handling him: appears to have white surrounding almost all the infected areas; very little pink outside that white (edge of a scale here and there). Appears to have fiberous white growing across major part of ulcer. One oval area, on other side of dorsal, appears to have lost a scle or two; ringed in white, a little deep pink at back edge. No red on tail features to be seen. Currently appears to be healing on his own. NT.

SuperSpa - cleaned socks & sponges. ≈25% H2O change. Added 1/3 C Pond Prime; added maint. + 1/4 maint. (5-1.4 tsp) BIU; added 11 C salt; salt .36. Addeed 1.5x maint. (10.5 ml) Lymnozyme.

Spa - Cleaned sock & sponge. ≈25% H2O change. Add3ed 1/4 C Pond Prime; added 1/2 maint. (3/4 tsp) BIU. Added 4 C salt; salt ?. Added 1.5x maint. (4.5 ml) Lymnozyme.



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